ASSIGNMENT - Financial Analysis Ratio

Throughout this assignment, in a group of 3, we have to select a public company (domestic or international) as our research subject. We must also make sure that the company that we have chosen is engaged in trading physical goods, not services. Moreover, we need to provide a brief background history of the company and its recent development and also conduct ratio analysis on the business annual report for the last 2 years and interpret the results. Besides, we also need to provide P/E ratio and recommendations for this report.

This is the report of Financial Ratio Analysis of Yamaha Corporation

I have learnt that in order to make your work interesting, thinking critically and creatively is needed. Moreover, I have also learnt to use effective solutions for each and every problems that occur upon completing the assignment.

I have also improved my interpersonal skills as this is a group assignment. Appropriate communication is very important during the discussion of group work to avoid any arguments or dissatisfaction. Teamwork and commitment is also very important in order to create a good group work.


         Upon this Basic Accounting module, I have learnt a lot of important lessons. Accounting is a tool used by businesses to communicate with their stakeholders like customers and suppliers. It records the transaction of a firm which is known as bookkeeping. Moreover, it is also the information needed to be report to assist in decision making of the business and also evaluating business performances.

         Out of all the topics that I have learnt, the topic I like the most is Balance Sheet which is one of the financial reports. This Balance Sheet consists of three main things which are Assets, Liabilities and Owner’s Equity. It shows the financial position of a business at the end of the day. I like this topic the most because we only need to understand and determine the position of the three main things in this report.

          The least favorite topic of mine from this module is the Financial Ratios. This topic involves on how we should read and interpret the accounting reports to make relevant decision. I find this topic very difficult for me to understand and memorize as it is very confusing. I always run out of the track whenever we are doing this exercises on this topic.

           As I was a science stream student, I had never tried before in any subject regarding Accounting. Therefore, I feel that this was a new challenge for me. At first, it was hard and confusing for me as it is a very new subject for me. However, throughout this module, I find it challenging and has gained a lot of knowledge about accounting. I also learnt how to read basic Accounting reports and I feel this is an advantage for me as I wanted to take Quantity Surveyor as my career that this might help me in the future. Furthermore, the lecturer had also make a lot of effort to make the class interesting to avoid us from being reluctant to learn about this subject. Much appreciate to the effort and guidance by our lecturer.

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