ASSIGNMENT 2 - Comic Strip

In this assignment, we are required to choose a topic of interest from ranges of concepts discussed. Then, we need to create a short sequence of drawing in interrelated panels to display the narrative series of the intended topic (minimum of four panels). Besides, the title must be stated in the first panel. The comic strip is done on a drawing block (either in landscape or portrait form) It can be done in black or white or colors.


Discipline Specific Knowledge
Throughout this second assignment, I have definitely learnt to utilize the information effectively. I have done my research before I begin with the comic strip. Having the ability to do more research on the concepts given in the brief so that my group mate and I are able to insert theories into the practice.

Lifelong Learning
Having completed this assignment, I have understood the brief requirement. Therefore, I am now able to understand ethical issue in the context of the field of study.

Thinking And Problem Solving
Facing hurdle in any assignment is unavoidable. The problem I faced during this project is that my group mate and I have different schedule therefore, we could barely meet each other to discuss about this project. In order to complete this assignment, I have thought critically and creatively.

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