PROJECT 1 - Musical Performance ( Daily object as props and performer)

For my group, we were given bottle as our object.We are required to use the object to produce a performance.We have to understand the object and choose suitable costume, songs and style for our performance.So,my teammates and I decided to use the glow in dark concept in our performance.On that day,all lights were closed.We wore black costume and paint the bottles with glow in dark paint so that the bottles can be seen in the dark during performance.


After The Performance

Idea Process Report
This is like a second option or idea that is not same as the group's idea with the same requirements and object.We are required to show and elaborate idea generating process using SCAMPER plus the design process, concept and inspiration, justification and selection process of the individual poster.This report should be hand drawn and written which consist of 10-20 pages.

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