This is the first assignment I had for Social Psychology. We are required to observe and capture visible social behavior displayed in various social settings. It can be either through drawing or photograph. Moreover, we must do a write up of approximately 150 – 300 words pertaining to description of the social behavior and related concepts is required (between one to three concepts).


Throughout this assignment, I have learnt to apply the theories that i have learnt and also understand the ethical issues in the context of the field of study. For example, I am able to demonstrate the brief requirements into this assignment.

As this is an individual assignment, I am able to learn independently. Moreover,  I learn to locate, extract, synthesize and utilize the information i have gathered after online research effectively.

Upon completing this assignment, I have learnt to think critically as well as creatively to make my report look interesting in order to capture the attention of readers. Futhermore, I am able to define and analyse the problems and think of effective solutions.


We are required to choose a printed advertisement from magazines, newspaper and related printed materials.The advertisement must be pasted on an A4 size paper. Furthermore, we must do a description of how the mechanism of persuasion or stereotype / prejudice reflected in the advertisement. It must be written in 300 – 500 words.

 This is the write up


To complete this assignment, i have learnt to think critically and creatively for this assignment too by using the right concepts and present it in a critical and creative way in the write up. I am able to analyse the problems i faced and solve it with proper solutions. For example, to do more online research on the topic when i don't really understand the concepts for more additional information.

In this assignment, i am able to locate, extract, synthesize and utilize the information gathered through online research and arrange them in an orderly manner in my write up.
Moreover, i am able to learn independently throughout this individual assignment.
As this is an individual work, i learn to manage oneself and be self reliant. When i face problems, I will do my own research through online for more understanding of the topics and concepts.

ASSIGNMENT 2 - Comic Strip

In this assignment, we are required to choose a topic of interest from ranges of concepts discussed. Then, we need to create a short sequence of drawing in interrelated panels to display the narrative series of the intended topic (minimum of four panels). Besides, the title must be stated in the first panel. The comic strip is done on a drawing block (either in landscape or portrait form) It can be done in black or white or colors.


Discipline Specific Knowledge
Throughout this second assignment, I have definitely learnt to utilize the information effectively. I have done my research before I begin with the comic strip. Having the ability to do more research on the concepts given in the brief so that my group mate and I are able to insert theories into the practice.

Lifelong Learning
Having completed this assignment, I have understood the brief requirement. Therefore, I am now able to understand ethical issue in the context of the field of study.

Thinking And Problem Solving
Facing hurdle in any assignment is unavoidable. The problem I faced during this project is that my group mate and I have different schedule therefore, we could barely meet each other to discuss about this project. In order to complete this assignment, I have thought critically and creatively.


We are required to choose a topic of interest from ranges of social psychology discussion in this final assignment. We need to create a built environment design that reflects the topic of interest through drawing. It can be in a form of space or building. For instance, a lounge to reduce the phenomenon of prejudice and stereotyping or a building that represents interpersonal relationship. The design must be clearly indicated with specific title and themes.It must  be presented on a mahjong paper with details of the space or building (with colors). A detailed write up of the design and how it reflects different social concepts must also be provided as a report. FInally, we need to present our information.

Mahjong Paper

This is the report


Thinking And Problem Solving
Along the way of completing this assignment, I have tried to think critically and creatively in order to produce a good report. I was also facing the issue of running out of time to complete this project. However, I am able to finish this before the due date it is because my group mates are willing to share the work.

Communication Skills
Having the ability to communicate appropriately in various settings and modes. I have used fluent English to present my design idea as well.

Interpersonal Skills

Throughout this assignment, I have shared and given out my ideas and opinions to my group mates. I even understand team dynamics and mobilize the power of teams. By voicing out my ideas I think this could definitely improve my interpersonal skills easily.

Assignment 1 - Photo Blog

In this assignment, we are required to form a group of four to five people to present photo blog. Each photo blog must consists of 25 - 30 photos of a particular setting  or scene at the location that we have chosen. In addition, we also need to provide 20 to 30 words for each picture as captions to explain the story on the blog. The photos should focus on 

a) People –  ethnic background, gender, age, description of clothes.
b) Food – types of food available or food presentation at hawker stalls or restaurants.
c) Activities – kinds of activities found in the surrounding of the suggested location.
d) Cultural conservation on buildings – Façade, interior and exterior design of the building and                                                            ornamentation.

This is our group blog link:

Prayer hall. where Islamic prayers kneel and pray

Whole view of Masjid Jamek. A modern designed mosque built with bricks and concrete.

Indian desserts that we have tried

A band of musicians performing by the street


Discipline Specific Knowledge
I have gone through the brief requirement and demonstrate understandings on this assignment. I am able to put theories into practice. Besides that, I understand the ethical issues in the context of the field of study.

Thinking and Problem Solving
I have tried to think critically and creatively in order to complete this task effectively. Additionally, I encountered time management during this group project as well. I was not capable to complete my part of task on time. However, my group mates are willing to help me. Thus far, this photo blog ends up finishing on time.

Communication Skills
In order to allow the audience understands my presentation, I have communicated appropriately in various setting and modes. Moreover, I used standard/fluent English to present my speech as well.

In a nutshell, having completed this assignment i am more aware of the importance of culture difference and respect cultural differences as well to build healthy relationship between different races. Of course, gaining new knowledge and experience is inevitable. After this assignment I have identified both my strengths and weaknesses as well. First of all, my strength is that I am able to manage my time well and finish this photo blog as soon as possible before the actual oral presentation day. On the Contrary, my weakness is that I could not present well during the verbal presentation due to anxiety. In order to overcome this matter, I will need to practice more and do more preparation before the presentation day.

Oral Presentation 1 (Individual)

In this very first individual oral presentation, we are required to choose ONE traditional home OR ONE religious building of  our choice and describe all the five aspects mentioned below. First, we must research the topic that we choose and prepare an oral presentation for about 6 – 10 minutes. Moreover, we are also required to provide detailed referencing and citation in our presentation slides for submission requirement. 3.


Choose ONE traditional house from any continent of your choice and describe the following:
a. Historical background of the country
b. Structure and layout
c. Types of ornamentation used
d. Type of materials used
e. Other relevant information

This is my presentation slides.


I am also able to put theories into practice upon doing this assignment as this is a communication subject where i learn about how to communicate appropriately such as using the right words and non-verbal communication like gestures, tone of of voice and body language.

This assignment is done individually. Therefore, upon completing this assignment, I have learnt independently and also to locate, extract, synthesize and utilize the information that i have collected effectively.

As this is an individual assignment, I have learnt to manage oneself and be self-reliant by doing the presentation slides and finding information by myself. I had also reflect on one's action and learning throughout this assignment.

In conclusion, after completing this oral presentation, i have learnt my strength and weakness. For example, I am able to choose an interesting topic to attract the attention of listeners and audience. Moreover, I had made some improvement in this oral presentation compared to the group presentation of photo blog. However, the weakness that I found is that during presentation, I am not able to present my information using my own words in a more natural way. Therefore, in order to improve my weakness, I should do preparations earlier and do more practice beforehand as i believed that practice makes perfect.

Oral Presentation 2

In this second individual oral presentation, we are required to choose ONE place of mural paintings OR ONE park and garden of your choice and describe all the five aspects mentioned above.
First, we must research the topic that we have chosen and prepare an oral presentation for about 6 – 10 minutes.


Choose ONE place from Klang Valley of your choice and describe the following:
a. Historical background of the chosen place.
b. Structure and layout of the landscape (s) / building(s) / monument(s).
c. Types of park and garden
d. Descriptions of activities / recreational activities
e. Type of materials used to build the park and garden

This is the my second presentation slides.


Lifelong LearningHaving this oral presentation part 2 completed, I have learned independently. I located, extracted, synthesized and utilized information effectively. This is an individual work therefore I have done every research on my own.

Communication Skills
I have tried to communicate the relevant ideas in a clear, logical and appropriate academic English. Various settings and modes are used to communicate appropriately during the verbal presentation so that the presentation will be carried out successfully.

Digital Literacy
To complete this project, it’s a must to do online research and use the online resources in order to get the relevant information for my slides. I have effectively used the ICT to look for more details and information for my chosen Park & garden.

In a conclusion, I have identified my strengths and weaknesses throughout this part 2 assignment. First of all, my strength is that I managed to complete the important part for my selected park & garden. Lastly, one of my weaknesses is that I have low self -confident when I am in front of people. Hence, I could not present and explain well on my slides. To improve this issue, I will try to grab any opportunities to present more in front of others.

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