Comparative Analysis of 2 Businesses of Similar Industry in Different Geographical Locations

Brief Description

Basically, this second assignment will focus on comparative research by interviewing two businesses. In this assignment, we have to form a group of 5-6 members and select 2 businesses of the same industry in different geographical locations for comparison purpose. First, we had our discussion on which industry of business to choose for our research and then contact both shop owners to make appointment ahead of the interview. We came up with a conclusion to choose a more interesting industry which is wedding industry in the SS/2 area. Besides, we are required to prepare suitable questions for our interview. Moreover, we are also required to compile those information in a report of 2500 – 3000 words based on our chosen industry after the interview and research is done. Lastly, we need to present using all gathered information on our business we chose in a verbal presentation clearly and appropriately.

This is the assignment 2 brief.

CHOSEN BUSINESS : Wedding Industry 

We chose wedding industry for our research assignment. Both of the business is located at SS/2 area which are Micasa Bridal Studio founded in 1998 and Eft Signature Studio founded in 2005.



This is our presentation slides

This is the report.


To complete this assignment, I have learnt to find information and do some research through internet to meet the requirements of the brief so that it proves that I understand the situation in the context of the field of study and also compile the information collected from visiting and interviewing the shops into a report in an organized manner.

In this assignment, i tried to complete the comparative analysis of two businesses using the information we have gathered throughout the research. I learnt to locate, extract, synthesize and utiliize information effectively and compile them into a report logically and appropriately.


This assignment also involves verbal presentation to show our findings using presentation slides. Therefore, I have improved my communication skills by communicating appropriately in various settings and modes throughout this assignment. I learn to communicate the relevant ideas and analysis in clear and logical academic English and present the information clearly to the audience.

In a nutshell, after completing this research assignment, I have identified my weaknesses in doing the comparative analysis essay in the report as I was lack of ideas to elaborate the report and have asked for ideas from my group members and also friends. I am also weak in presenting the information gathered during verbal presentation due to nervousness. Besides, i am able to utilize the information after the research and interview are done and compile them into a report. I hope that I can improve my presenting and speaking skills in the future by doing more preparations and practice before actual oral presentation.

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