
What I've learned from this essay of doing steps involved in producing an attractive sketch is , I can learn what are the steps or important elements that involved. For example, getting the right tools are one of the most important element in this process.

There are many tools that we can gather such as getting the right paper, and the right pencils. Besides, I also got to know that different grade of pencils produce different type of shading and in result a different outcome. Hence , one must always get the right pencil with the suitable grade for a better and more attractive sketch .

Furthermore, getting the right position is also very important in the process of producing an attractive sketch. Warming up is also essential to be done prior the sketching so that the hands are comfortable with the drawing.One can warm up by drawing few shapes on an empty paper. Besides , a suitable lighting is also very important. If the light is too dark or bright , I will get distracted and I will not be able to produce an attractive sketch.

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