(Group )

Part I 
In a group of 7 members, our task is to interview the key people in the construction industry. Each team or unit will randomly receive a type of consultant or a contractor or a developer from the list below which we are give a M&E engineer as consultant. We are required to select a firm of the given type of business and research on the firms. We will then need to set up an appointment with the company to interview these key people. We are also required to plan and think of the questions and structure of the interview. They will also need to decide on how to produce an interesting documentary movie.

Part II
From the information gathered from the materials, we need to formularize or interpret them to become a creative visual presentation or any physical performance which recorded as video presentation. Total length of video presentation shall not exceed eight (8) minutes.


(Individual )

Part III
Individually, my task is to create an article that would demonstrate my understanding of the chosen elements from Part I and to be featured in my 5 pages magazine/booklet (including cover). The magazine/booklet shall be fully digitalized and colour printed. 



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