This is the first assignment I had for Social Psychology. We are required to observe and capture visible social behavior displayed in various social settings. It can be either through drawing or photograph. Moreover, we must do a write up of approximately 150 – 300 words pertaining to description of the social behavior and related concepts is required (between one to three concepts).


Throughout this assignment, I have learnt to apply the theories that i have learnt and also understand the ethical issues in the context of the field of study. For example, I am able to demonstrate the brief requirements into this assignment.

As this is an individual assignment, I am able to learn independently. Moreover,  I learn to locate, extract, synthesize and utilize the information i have gathered after online research effectively.

Upon completing this assignment, I have learnt to think critically as well as creatively to make my report look interesting in order to capture the attention of readers. Futhermore, I am able to define and analyse the problems and think of effective solutions.

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