PROJECT ONE - Experiential Landscape
Individually I am to produce 
A3 presentation boards on the selected case study and a reflection video (2 – 3mins) on the case study.

I have selected waterfront as my case study topic and do a comparative study of 
similar topics with a local case study. I need to document my findings in a form of 
presentation board consist of text (short summary) and images (illustration, photo or 

diagram) that best represent the topic discussed. 


I have learnt to solve problems and think creatively as i arrange my information on the A3 presentation boards to make it visually interesting. Besides, I have to manage myself as this is an individual work and also i have gain more knowledge about streetcapes by doing this project.

PROJECT TWO - Sustainable Landscape
Phase 1A
I am to conduct a case study on the green city Melbourne. In this case study, I will 
introduce the cultural landscape and implementation of sustainable landscapes, technologies and green cities 
planning principles. 

Phase 1B
Individually, I will be selecting a site in Kuala Lumpur (Pasar Seni) and conducting research about each 
neighbourhood context within 2km radius. Research includes on the interaction of spaces, human activity and 
their responses that can be relate to the given site. I also need to study its existing cultural landscape, 
connectivity, circulation, context and built form of each area. 


From this project, I have learn how to work in a group as we need to go to our site to gather information of the case study in Kuala Lumpur which is Pasar Seni. I realise that digital literacy is very important for this project because we need to do research on the green city and sustainable landscape.

FINAL PROJECT - Landscape Project

 In a group of 7 we need to select a 10mx10m site within the campus. We are to study the selected site and come up with an analysis. From the analysis, each group need to come up with a green space proposal for the site. This includes concept, master plan, planting plan, costing (bill of quantities), and construction detail as well as maintenance plan. We are required to present our concept, master plan and planting plan on 2 A2 presentation board and the rest of the study a report format.





I have learn more about green spaces, regulations and maintenance in landscaping. From this project, I also learn that ICT is very important when doing research on cost of plants, and other elements such as the furniture and tiles.I have also learn to communicate with my team members in the process of doing the concept, master and planting plan as well as the report. 

PROJECT ONE - Construction Industry Info Panel

The topic we have chosen is Organization and Bodies Involved in Construction Industry in Malaysia. In a group of seven people, we are required to 3 A3 board size poster on our topic.

I have learned about the general overview of construction industry from mankind perspective derived from different point of views.


(Group )

Part I 
In a group of 7 members, our task is to interview the key people in the construction industry. Each team or unit will randomly receive a type of consultant or a contractor or a developer from the list below which we are give a M&E engineer as consultant. We are required to select a firm of the given type of business and research on the firms. We will then need to set up an appointment with the company to interview these key people. We are also required to plan and think of the questions and structure of the interview. They will also need to decide on how to produce an interesting documentary movie.

Part II
From the information gathered from the materials, we need to formularize or interpret them to become a creative visual presentation or any physical performance which recorded as video presentation. Total length of video presentation shall not exceed eight (8) minutes.


(Individual )

Part III
Individually, my task is to create an article that would demonstrate my understanding of the chosen elements from Part I and to be featured in my 5 pages magazine/booklet (including cover). The magazine/booklet shall be fully digitalized and colour printed. 



FINAL PROJECT - The Project Brief

In a group work of 2 students, We need to find a specific land within campus area to initiate a small construction project. The size of the land shall not be more than 30m x 30m. we are required to propose ONE project that serves the purpose of being a study enhancement area.



PROJECT 3 - Orthographic Drawings

We are divided into a group of 6 out of 91 students, we will be given a site within Taylor's University Lakeside Campus according to our tutors. Students will select a site of about 10mx10m from the chosen level and the spaces chosen cannot overlap with your group member.We also need to present our drawings on 2 A2 boards after being approved by our tutor.

We are given Block D level 8 as ours site,so we are required to choose a 10m x10m site on this level.

I have chosen Block D Level 8 Classroom 12 as my 10m x 10m site.


                                          Presentation 2 from Michelle Lee Ern Hui

These are my A2 presentation boards of my 10mx10m site


I have done research on orthographic drawings before doing this project. This makes me understand more about orthographic drawings and have improved my drawing skills.

I have also improved my thinking skills when doing my orthographic drawings. This project involves measuring the site and then draw it with the accurate scale.

Even though we are divided into groups, most of it involves only individual works. Therefore, I have improved my intrapersonal skills by managing all my works and being self-reliant where i measure my own site and did my own drawings with the accurate scale all by myself.

PROJECT TWO - Drawings

We are required to chosen 2 objects and the objects chosen must not be smaller than A5, and not
bigger than A4. We are to sketch and conduct measurement of chosen objects. Objects chosen must
consists a minimum of 3 different geometries surfaces. We have to use the measurement you are to generate architectural drawings that clearly expressing the 3 dimensional objects.


Presentation1 from Michelle Lee Ern Hui



I have gain more knowledge about 2-Dimensional drawings and understand the importance of drawing in this field of study.

I have learnt how to solve problems as I have faced problems when doing the measurements of my objects using suitable scales.


This is the presentation about structural engineering drawings of our group.

I have learnt that communication is very important as this is a group project which involves teamwork. We need to discuss well to create good work. I have iimproved my communication skills whiile having discussion with my teammates.

From this project, I have learn more and have a deeper understanding about structural engineering drawings.


From this oral presentation , I learn to be enhance my vocabulary and I get to boost up my confidence during the presentation. Besides learning how to personal-groomed myself before the presentation , I also get to know what is the I should do and what I shouldn't do in a presentation .

I also learn how to search information from the net using different resources such as Google, Youtube , and Wikipedia. Besides , I also learn how to generate my ideas to design my own future city and learn how to utilize the uses of department well.

Furthermore , I also learn how to work in a team with my teammates. I learn to solve the problems with my teammates when we are facing any problems or conflict regarding in choosing ideas or sharing ideas.

Future City Presentation

Oral Presentation (Assignment Two)

This is an English Oral Presentation (Assignment Two) and it consists of 5 people in a group. We were ask to present our own future city . The elements that must be in our presentation are :
- Security
- Water management
- Tourism and Hospitality
- Transport , Energy Management , and Disaster Relief
- Green Building
The pictures at the following below are the group members

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