Assignment 1 - Photo Blog

In this assignment, we are required to form a group of four to five people to present photo blog. Each photo blog must consists of 25 - 30 photos of a particular setting  or scene at the location that we have chosen. In addition, we also need to provide 20 to 30 words for each picture as captions to explain the story on the blog. The photos should focus on 

a) People –  ethnic background, gender, age, description of clothes.
b) Food – types of food available or food presentation at hawker stalls or restaurants.
c) Activities – kinds of activities found in the surrounding of the suggested location.
d) Cultural conservation on buildings – Façade, interior and exterior design of the building and                                                            ornamentation.

This is our group blog link:

Prayer hall. where Islamic prayers kneel and pray

Whole view of Masjid Jamek. A modern designed mosque built with bricks and concrete.

Indian desserts that we have tried

A band of musicians performing by the street


Discipline Specific Knowledge
I have gone through the brief requirement and demonstrate understandings on this assignment. I am able to put theories into practice. Besides that, I understand the ethical issues in the context of the field of study.

Thinking and Problem Solving
I have tried to think critically and creatively in order to complete this task effectively. Additionally, I encountered time management during this group project as well. I was not capable to complete my part of task on time. However, my group mates are willing to help me. Thus far, this photo blog ends up finishing on time.

Communication Skills
In order to allow the audience understands my presentation, I have communicated appropriately in various setting and modes. Moreover, I used standard/fluent English to present my speech as well.

In a nutshell, having completed this assignment i am more aware of the importance of culture difference and respect cultural differences as well to build healthy relationship between different races. Of course, gaining new knowledge and experience is inevitable. After this assignment I have identified both my strengths and weaknesses as well. First of all, my strength is that I am able to manage my time well and finish this photo blog as soon as possible before the actual oral presentation day. On the Contrary, my weakness is that I could not present well during the verbal presentation due to anxiety. In order to overcome this matter, I will need to practice more and do more preparation before the presentation day.

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